Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The price of following God

Ever been in a situation where you know what God has told you to do...or not to do, but in the eyes of your Christian friends or leaders in your church, it was all wrong for you? Today I was reminded of a situation in the past where I was asked to perform a certain "service" in a church. I knew I wasn't supposed to do what was being asked of me, not that anything was wrong with the task itself, I just had more on my plate than I needed and one more thing was just one thing too many. I still prayed about it and really felt that God was leading me to decline the "invitation". There would be no small cost to following God's lead.

Today I was listening to a song called "Signature of Divine (Yahweh)" by the group Needtobreath. There's a line in the song that says, "Take me, and pull me through. Cause I can't move without You. I won't leave you alone, You say. You will be okay..." I was reminded that as long as I seek to follow God's lead and direction in my life He will go before me in all things. And I will be okay.

My declining that "invitation to serve" ultimately ended up with us having to leave that church. It really seemed senseless to me. Until now. Had I simply done what I knew would make a few people happy I probably would not be where I am today...And we are SO blessed by the church that God has led us too. I'm learning so much about God's grace. And I know that God does indeed cause ALL things to work together for good to those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

New blog-

I'm starting a new blog...same name but all new in direction and purpose. I just wanted a fresh start on the blogging world and had too much content on the old Eleutheros blog to go through deleting it all. So, here goes a new start.